Discurs en català després de la presentació del llibre de Ester Gallego y Enric Ravello: Terra d’infidels

Ladies and gentlemen, Senyores i senyors, Dear friends, El meu nom és Anke Van dermeersch. Sóc senadora belga. Avui estic aquí per expressar públicament el meu suport a Enric Ravello i Ester Gallego per la publicació del seu llibre “Terra d’infidels. Contra la islamització de Catalunya “. I a...
Catalunya: Introduction of Book presentation “Terra d’infidels. Contra la islamització de Catalunya”

Ladies and gentlemen, Senyores i senyors, Dear friends, My name is Anke Van dermeersch. I’m a Belgian Senator. I’m here today to endorse Enric Ravello and Ester Gallego with the publication of their book “Terra d’infidels. Contra la islamització de Catalunya”. Ester Gallego and her organization ‘Dones Contra la...
Mass migration: A woman’s point of view

The speech I held during my visit to Greece and the islands: Ladies and gentlemen, My name is Anke Van dermeersch and I was first elected Belgian Senator in 2003 and re-elected ever since. I’m also City Councilor in my home town Antwerp and member of the Flemish parliament...
Speech London, August 20th 2016 – Stop importing misogyny!
Ladies and gentlemen, Dear Friends, My name is Anke Van dermeersch. I’m a Belgian Senator. I’m here today with Filip Dewinter, a Belgian member of parliament, specialized in Islam counter terrorism and a dozen of ladies of the international organization Women Against Islamization. (WomenAgainstIslamization.org) which I preside. We are...
Save on asylum, not on own people!
Save on asylum, not on own people! In recent months the Flemings are bombarded with sales tax increases, increased excise duties, a loss of indexation, more expensive rates for child care, and so on. Icing on the cake was the retirement age increased to 67 years. Meanwhile, the asylum...
Proud of my new website!
I'm very proud to introduce my new website to you today. I'm very proud to introduce my new website to you today. My friend Alexandros (krassakis.com) made it as a precious gift to me and I'm very excited to use it to inform you about my work and life....