Ladies and gentlemen,
Dear Friends,

My name is Anke Van dermeersch. I’m a Belgian Senator.
I’m here today with Filip Dewinter, a Belgian member of parliament, specialized in Islam counter terrorism and a dozen of ladies of the international organization Women Against Islamization. ( which I preside.
We are here to endorse Anne Marie Waters and her summer of campaigning against Islamic immigration and its impact on women’s rights in Europe.

Today we are here with you to testify about what is happening in the mainland of Europe, in my country across the Channel and in the capital of Europe, Brussels.
We are here today because we want to fight for the future of the next generations of Europeans, our children and grandchildren.
We are here today to defend women’s rights and our beautiful Western culture.
We are here today because we, western women, are under attack; The barbaric attack of the Islam. This is deeply troubling.
Women are after all the first victims of the growing Islamization of Europe.
We need to stop the immigration invasion, to stop importing Islam, to stop importing Islamic misogyny.

As a politician and Senator it’s my job, even my duty to warn for the misogyny of Islam: Allah does not love women!
Islam propagates hatred.
Hatred against infidels against other religions and societies, but also hatred against women, which are considered to be inferior.
Islam kills women. Islam kills women, not only in Islamic countries, but also in Europe.

The symbol of this inferiority is the headscarf, the striking symbol of oppression.
The textile coffin of the burqa but also the simple veil are both identically, only the number of centimeters textile distinguishes them from each other.
The headscarf is like the rattle of the lepers and the star of the Jews for women.
That is why I was the first elected representative in Europe to advocate a general burqa ban.
I’m proud to be the original architect of this prohibition.
Meanwhile the burqa ban is already introduced in the legislations of Belgium, France, Switzerland and many other European countries.

The burqa, the Koran and the Sharia are completely at odds with our social principle of equality between men and women and so hard-won emancipation.
I refuse to excuse the inexcusable crimes against women that the Islam propagates in the Koran and the Sharia.
I refuse to be oppressed by any one, Muslim or not!

To be domestic slaves, that is the only role that is reserved in the Islamic world, for women.
Islam compels women to choose either to be whore or to be slave. But I am not I will not be seen as one of those two.
I am a woman and I shall be treated with respect and not as commodity.
As a woman, I want to marry for love and will not be forced into a marriage.
We, Western women, love our children, protect and educate them. We are not production machine for jihadists.
As a woman, I want to enjoy every facet of being a woman, without being condemned. Women are sexually autonomous. We choose, we decide. We are not commodities and our value does not depend on our virginity.
If Muslim men want to see and treat women as disposables, they better buy an inflatable doll!

Ladies and gentlemen,
Did you notice that feminists no longer fight for women’s rights?
Why do feminist no longer fight for basic Human rights?
Why don’t leftist feminists fight for their so beloved Muslim women?
Because defending women against barbarism of the Islam and sharia is nowadays called racism.
Anti-racism laws and multiculturalism has to keep us from saying out load the truth about the thread Islam poses to us: Crimes against girls and women, such as grooming, sexual harassment, assaults and rapes.

Unfortunately still a majority of people do not wish to see inconvenient truth, the thread Muslim man pose to European women.
What is happening now in Islamic State, Yemen, Afghanistan, Saudi-Arabia, actually the whole Middle East is happening already in our European countries and will get worse if we don’t abolish Islam.
The traditional Western politicians have already the blood of so many women and young girls on their hands.
The fact that you are here today, supporting our fight against this subtle Islam terror against women makes me very proud of you.
We, you and me, are fighting for our children!
Therefore, we are fighting against multiculturalism,
Against today’s pan-European asylum policy,
Against mass immigration
And especially against the Islamization of our Western world.
One warned woman is worth two!

Anke Van dermeersch


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